Check out our five newest activities available for sale at the bottom of this page including an innovative resource called Age of Adventure: The Strengths of Active Ageing. Click on the photo for more information about this interesting resource.
Age of Adventure is a boxed set of 50 photographs accompanied by a 36 page explanation booklet, that promotes active ageing. Active agers depicted in this card set offer a balance of personal fitness, reflection, social connection and community contribution. The cards are prompts for conversation, connection and creativity. They look at lives well lived and explore the many ways in which older people are still engaged in their communities, the breadth of their relationships and the diversity of daily routines and intellectual and physical ventures.
The resource is versatile in its uses e.g. operate as a speech therapy tool, a conversation prompt, a reminiscence tool, a challenge to the stereotyping of older community members, and an acknowledgement that ’life isn’t over until it’s over.’
Each photographic card measures 15cm x 15cm and is stored in a full colour polypropylene box, with a 36 page colour companion booklet which assists the purchaser with ideas for use.
For ideas and tips on how to use Age of Adventure, click here to read the companion booklet. Or follow this link to see five sample cards.
Item Code: RTA Price: $55.00